Malignant Breast Disease

Malignant disease and treatments

Malignant Breast Disease refers to harmful, cancerous abnormalities or growths in the breast tissue. This occurs when cancerous cells begin to mutate and spread throughout otherwise healthy tissues. It is one of the most common cancers to occur in women. There are several different types of breast cancer and treatments. With a lot of information out there, it is important to understand which information is relevant to you and your needs.

A good place to access general information about Breast Cancer is the Breast Cancer Network Australia.

At Gault Surgery we know that a diagnosis of breast cancer can be very stressful, and trying to navigate the journey of treatment is often complex and confusing. We make it our aim to educate you, as well as simplifying the process so that you feel heard, comforted, and confident in your treatment plan and your team.

When you book a consultation with Dr. Gault, you can ask any questions or concerns that you have, and you will be provided with access to our Breast Care nurse throughout your recovery to continually assist you.


Surgical treatments for malignant breast disease